Referee Fees 2024-2025
9’s-10’sCenter $ 50
11’s-12’sCenter $ 60 asst $ 40; asst $ 40
13’s-14’sCenter $ 70 asst $ 45; asst $ 45
15’s-19’sCenter $ 80 asst $ 50; asst $ 50
*Home Team pays the Referee Fees*
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries

Referee Payment Guidelines

A) If a game is scheduled to be played, and for whatever reason is not going to be played as scheduled, as long as the center referee is notified 48 hrs in advance, referee will NOT be reimbursed by the league. It will be the duty of the Local Assignor, club assignor), to notify the ARs for that game not being played.

B) If the match is cancelled, (Act of God, rain, weather, field closings), and the referees are notified at least TWO (2) hours before they leave for the match from home or another venue, the refs do not get paid for the match.

C) If the referees arrive for the match and it is not played for any reason prior to the start of the match (weather, unplayable condition of field, teams don’t show, etc) the refs receive one-half pay.

D) If the referees arrive for the match and a team does not show, a team does not have enough players OR passes are not present, the match is not played and the referees are paid in full. The center referee will submit a report to the league and the team who failed to follow through is responsible for referee payment (either for a future match or compensate the other club if the league determines it is a forfeit.)

E) If the referees arrive for the match and it starts but has to be abandoned before the first half is concluded (weather, field condition, participant action) and the match cannot be finished following a reasonable delay, the referees receive full pay.

U.S. Soccer Supplemental Referee Report.pdf

Ref Log In Instructions

GS Proper procedure for submitting a game report

Referee Manual

How to Register for USA games in Got Sport

Completing the Background Check

USA – Referee Assessment Report

USA Referee Mentoring Program

For assistance, please contact Sheri Doback, VP Admin.



Referee Complaint Procedures

Got Soccer Assignor and Referee Guidelines:

Primary Assignor and FYSA Background Check

All assignor and Referee accounts used for USA games will be those accounts created by FYSA.
All assignor and referee accounts that are created by assignors or referees will be rejected.
All referees will list FYSA as their primary assignor.
Before USA will grant assignor access, USA will verify that the assignor is FSR certified and has an approved RM status.
Got Sport has many options and functions since it is used by multiple state associations, leagues and tournaments. Since the referee and assignor portions are used by events that cross state associations, they cannot “customize” the program to reflect the parameters of one State. Since other National and State associations use Got Sport for tournament scheduling, USA members will have to follow the above guidelines that cannot be programmed into a “USA only program”.

Game Day Procedures for 2023-2024 Season

USA has updated the referee procedures for the 2023-2024 season.

USA will NO longer require a 3 part game report for ALL games. Each team is required to provide a Got Sport game card that contains the rosters and player passes to the referee at game time.

The main reporting change is in the way that referees will submit game reports, and rosters will now go directly to USA. For referees that are assigned through Got Sport they will continue to submit online game reports through their Got Sport referee account. Assignors may require a game report copy of games for their records. However, referees will scan and email the game cards directly to USA at usagamereports@usa-soccer.org or faxed to 1-866-279-4329. If scan or fax capabilities are not available, contact usagamereports@usa-soccer.org for instructions. Game reports MUST be signed by both coaches or team rep. and referee. Referee should take a picture of the game report.

ALL reports MUST be reported within 48 hours.

Please also remember that no one except the applicable USA District Referee Assignor can change any 11’s-19’s Center referee game assignment. If there is a question regarding a game assignment contact the USA assignor.


A- Before Game

Referee crews should arrive at the fields at least 30 minutes before game time.

The Referee will collect Got Sport game cards and player passes from both teams. Got Sport game cards will have coaches and players names printed on them. NO HANDWRITTEN PLAYERS names will be allowed to play. Coaches MAY be handwritten BUT must have a coaches pass. ONLY coaches and players WITH passes are allowed on the bench during the game.

Teams are ONLY allowed to have FIVE (5) club pass players, MUST have passes.

The Referee will collect game fees before the game.


B- During the game

Referee should process the game according to the LOTG and USA rules of play. ALL GAMES WILL HAVE A WATER BREAK.

9/10S 2×25 halfs 10 halftime 7v7

11/12s 2×30 halfs 10 halftime 9v9

13/14s 2×35 halfs 10 halftime 11v11

15/16s 2×40 halfs 15 halftime 11v11

17/19s 2×45 halfs 15 halftime 11v11

C- After Game

Referee should fill out the Got Sport game card with score, any cards issued, any serious injuries, and get both coaches to sign it. The referee needs to sign it also. Referee should retain the Got Sport report and report the scores. If there are ANY serious injuries, Red Cards (RC), and Coaches/ Parent problems the referee will complete an USSF Soccer Referee game report to submit to USA, Assignor, and FYSA (if needed).

Teams are allowed to take a picture of the Got Sport game card for their records.

The Referee will return all passes back to the teams.

Beach Area and Personal:

Coaches and players will remain in the bench area during the game. Players should remain seated unless warming -up behind the bench. Coaches MUST remain within the technical area. Coaches should only give advice and NOT control every move of the players.

The Technical area is 4 yards around the bench.